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Tips On Working From Home

Calli Fleming

During this uneasy time amid the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are working from home to protect themselves and their loved ones.

In theory, this sounds like a dream scenario to some but in reality, there's a whole new set of stressors that accompany the merging of work and home. The following tips aim to help those making the transition do so with as much ease as possible and create some sense of normalcy during this time.

Glass Staircase started at the kitchen table, so we know our stuff...

Image Of A Woman Working On A Laptop

Make Sure You Have The Tools You Need.

If you need certain tools to do your job that aren't available at home ask your employer if you can borrow these from your workplace to complete your work more efficiently. Some companies will even allow you to expense office items and it doesn't hurt to ask!

Communication Is Key.

Because of social distancing, you should communicate more than you normally do to keep yourself in the loop while you're not physically with your teammates and co-workers. Some good resources for remote communication include Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, and Google Hangouts. Set up a daily call with your team at 9AM so you have to get up, get dressed and show up for yourself and your video call.

Image Of A Laptop On A Desk

Create A Designated Workspace. Making sure you have a specific place in your home that is designated for work, equipped with the resources you need. This will help you remain more accountable, manage distractions, and provide a sense of routine. Keep your space clean, organized and comfortable - plants and candles can help. Quarantine can throw off your internal clock and effect motivation. If you do anything, get out of bed and get dressed! (Here's a list of our go-to office organizers)

Stick To A Routine.

Get the amount of sleep you normally do, eat when you normally eat, get ready for the day like you normally do, and work when you normally work. Keeping your routine will help make the transition less jarring and help keep your internal clock in line. To-do lists and schedules are your friends.

Balancing Work and Family.

Many people who are now working from home also have families who are quarantined as well. What do you do to keep your kids entertained so you can get to business? Create activities to keep them occupied, set boundaries with your time and space, take frequent breaks, and if you are co-parenting, taking shifts with the kids can prove an efficient solution. There are lots of resources online to help with easy and free projects to keep kids busy at home. Keeping a work-life balance is also crucial when they are in the same place, make sure to fully unplug when work is done to avoid burnout.

Be Flexible.

If you find that something isn't working, come up with a new plan! Everyone is figuring it out just the same as you so don't sweat the small stuff. Make alterations to your plan where needed and ask your coworkers who are also adjusting for advice!

Ultimately, there's no magic formula on how to navigate these unprecedented events, but hopefully these tips can help you and your family make the most of the situation. Please do your part to help limit the spread of the virus by practicing the recommended safety measures and staying home if possible. We're all in this together.


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